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TJ makes an impact by volunteering his time

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A young father of two children with a loving wife, TJ is focused on his family more than ever before. He knows that his future alone is no longer all he needs to consider, he actively works to put his family first and think of his children’s future. 


“When my daughters were born, that changed everything for me, from the moment I first held my oldest daughter. I had been through a lot of challenges myself and I knew I had to work hard to give them a good life. They were counting on me.”

“When my daughters were born, that changed everything for me, from the moment I first held my oldest daughter.”

That is what led TJ to attend Mesa Community College, and volunteer with A New Leaf. Interested in a career in social work and helping others, TJ was looking for a way to get more involved in his local community. He also wanted to learn more about his future career prospects. 


“My wife is an RN and I’m a stay-at-home dad for now, so I wanted to spend the time I do have getting ready for my career. Once my girls are in school, I want to start pursuing my dream career in social work again. By volunteering, I can flex my hours to work around being a dad, while still getting amazing experience.” 

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TJ had originally committed to only completing 40 hours of required volunteer time for a class, but now he comes in weekly and has fulfilled hundreds of hours. By putting his volunteer time into his weekly schedule, TJ is setting an example for his daughters, learning more for his career, and staying active in the community. 


“I’m a dad first and foremost, but I also need activities to keep a schedule and socialize. I decided to keep volunteering because I love the people here, like Bridget and Pat. They just want to help people, and that’s exactly what I plan to do when I graduate.”

“I decided to keep volunteering because I love the people here, like Bridget and Pat. They just want to help people.”

When he completes his degree, TJ plans to help those experiencing substance abuse, domestic violence, and other forms of trauma. He is even considering a career with A New Leaf in the future, considering the amount of time he has spent with the organization.


“Having seen how A New Leaf helps people coming from domestic violence situations and homelessness, I know they do they good work. I want to be a part of that, however I can. It’s just such a great fit, and I love being here. If you’re looking for somewhere welcoming, where you can make an impact, this is the place.”

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you can change the life of someone in need