
Carmen came to CAAFA after being assaulted by her girlfriend, having her wallet and identification stolen, and enduring emotional abuse on a constant basis. She met with the CAAFA Advocates and made a plan for how to reach the goals she set for herself. 
Carmen was often tearful during her first few days at the Safe House, not knowing where she’d be in 120 days. She wanted to find housing, get her therapy dog back from a friend, who was caring for the pet since she was homeless before entering the Safe House. She also engaged in therapeutic activities with her case management team through her primary mental health clinic.
While working with her housing team, Carmen secured a one-bedroom apartment only six weeks after entering shelter. She participated in supportive services at CAAFA including individual sessions, group sessions, and case management appointments. Carmen has fulfilled her dream of having her own home and is enjoying her new life, free from abuse.
Carmen CAAFA


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